On this page I present various products that have accompanied me in my everyday life for years.

Astrological consultations

Beat advises you openly, sensitively, directly and with a lot of heart on your personal and private concerns. Use this opportunity to gain clarity and confidence.

CBD / CBG product - Cili By Design

This is a revolutionary 70 percent CBD / CBG hemp product based on the latest nanotechnology, without the intoxicating THC levels. The product, which is enriched with 90 vitamins and minerals in seven compartment purified water, was launched on the European market in 2022. Since then, it has helped thousands of people to better health and a better life every day.

The hemp plant is said to contain around 400 minerals, which also unfold their potential in this product.

I recommend it because after a week and a half it relieved my neck pain, which had plagued me daily for decades. My hair and nails have also become stronger after a short time of taking it and now I visit the hairdresser every three weeks. My skin has improved and also looks younger. In September 2023, I noticed that my vision had improved. It also helped me with a sciatica with severe pain with increased use and since that day I have never had to feel this pain again.

I feel more centered in my everyday life and full of energy in my daily work.

Food supplements should be taken daily in addition to your usual meals to provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs to be fully nourished and protected. Negative physical symptoms can disappear, as I have experienced myself.

It should be mentioned here that each person is an individual. It can therefore take up to two years of cleansing the cells before they notice the changes and improvements. This product also helps our animals. We have the opportunity to provide you with the experiences of many people so that you can form your own opinion.

I look forward to helping you to experience a better life in this way too


These coffees and teas are made for the Nespresso machine to remove the metallic taste that many people dislike. These different types of coffee and tea are organically grown and prepared using the latest technology. The capsules have been developed to be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.

TOP income opportunity

Here I would like to introduce you to an opportunity to earn a monthly income of your choice with a new revolutionary product and a new simple concept. Apart from me, there are many enthusiastic people in different countries who are committed to helping you achieve your goal.

Energy Pyramids

The energy pyramids are a way to create a positive energetic environment in your home and surroundings. Everyone who is within the radius of their own pyramid can perceive this difference positively and positive events can also occur. It can also be said that these pyramids also protect against negative energies such as radiation, but also against the negative thoughts of other people, as I have already experienced during my moves in Switzerland and abroad.

These pyramids have opened new doors in my life and today I am very grateful to have learned about this possibility in March 2012.

There is also the opportunity to enjoy these positive energies in everyday life and to protect yourself from negativity.